Where to find the right suppliers for your business

Right now maybe you have a idea for a business, a store maybe, or a store online, you already have the commercial premises located or your “website ready “, a good “e-commerce site “, however he does not have a clear idea of where will you find the suppliers to buy the products that you want to sell, and above all at a good price.

In this article we will give you some ideas:

Trade shows and magazines are two of the best options. Trade shows or trade shows offer multiple opportunities not only for you to see future trends, but also to do “networking “ with possible suppliers and hopefully you can find the supplier of the product you are looking for. There, you too can compare prices on a whole range of products and it gives you a good insight into the business. The informative magazines or magazines of the guild (trade magazine) meanwhile, they can be an inexpensive way to find companies you want to contact. Search frequently for companies that might offer the products you need.

Where to find suppliers

Trade or union associations or organizations (trade organization) related to the products you are interested in is a potential source of valuable contacts, including international companies.

You can check with your local library if they have a directory of associations, also in many states they have Hispanic Chambers of Commerce or Hispanic Business Owner Associations.

Something obvious, however that I cannot fail to mention is that searching on Google for wholesale suppliers of the products you are looking for, it may be easier than I had thought.

ThomasNet.com http://www.thomasnet.com is a searchable source, with more than 67,000 product categories, you can find product distributors and factories in North America, the United States and Canada, view catalogs on-line and even placing orders online.

Finding the providers you want is just the first step. You must present yourself as someone who is seriously interested in build a business. It is not the same to present yourself as an independent person than as a formally registered company “Inc.” or “LLC” can make a lot of difference in the business world, especially to establish your credit. When making this first contact with a potential salesperson, you should be willing to talk about what they do and why you want to do business with them.

Talk to your friends and associates to determine if you might know someone who can help you. Sometimes it can be a good idea to ask for help.

Once you have found the companies that make the products you want to sell, you need to get samples and make sure this is exactly what you want. Sometimes companies supply samples free of charge, but not always.

To conclude, it is a good idea to have at least two suppliers because if you build your business around a single supplier, in the event of a setback you could be out of business.