Local Center Services
Per Florida Statute 39.905, all Florida certified domestic violence centers provide the following core services; emergency shelter, 24-Hour Hotline, advocacy, children’s program, community education, crisis counseling, service management, professional training, safety planning, information and referral. In addition to these core services the centers provide the following; court/legal advocacy, outreach, primary prevention programming, support groups and assist with the relocation assistance application. Each center provides a number of specialized services based on the local community needs. These services can be found on the link to the local certified center page by hovering over the center’s service area on the map below.

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AlachuaPeaceful Paths Domestic Abuse Network
Also Known As: Peaceful Paths Phone: (352) 377-5690 Fax: (352) 378-9033 Hotline: (352) 377-8255 TDD: (352) 377-8255 Website: http://www.peacefulpaths.org MORE INFO
| BakerHubbard House
Also Known As: Hubbard House Phone: (904) 354-0076 Fax: (904) 354-1342 Hotline: (904) 354-3114 TDD: (904) 354-3958 Website: http://www.hubbardhouse.org MORE INFO
| BayThe Salvation Army of Panama City Domestic Violence and Rape Crisis Program
Also Known As: Salvation Army PC Phone: (850) 769-7989 Fax: (850) 769-5346 Hotline: (850) 763-0706 TDD: (800) 252-2597 Website: http://www.salvationarmypanamacity.org MORE INFO
BradfordPeaceful Paths Domestic Abuse Network
Also Known As: Peaceful Paths Phone: (352) 377-5690 Fax: (352) 378-9033 Hotline: (352) 377-5690 TDD: (352) 378-9033 Website: http://www.peacefulpaths.org MORE INFO
| BrevardThe Salvation Army Brevard County Domestic Violence Program
Also Known As: Salvation Army Brevard Phone: (321) 631-2766 Fax: (321) 631-7914 Hotline: (321) 631-2764 TDD: (321) 631-2764 Website: http://www.salvationarmyncbrevard.org MORE INFO
| BrevardSerene Harbor Inc.
Phone: (321) 726-8282 Fax: (321) 726-8588 Hotline: (321) 726-8282 TDD: (321) 726-8282 Website: http://www.sereneharbor.org”>VISIT SITE MORE INFO
BrowardWomen In Distress of Broward County
Also Known As: WID Phone: (954) 760-9800 Fax: (954) 832-9487 Hotline: (954) 761-1133 TDD: (954) 527-5385 Website: http://www.womenindistress.org MORE INFO
| CalhounThe Salvation Army of Panama City Domestic Violence and Rape Crisis Program
Also Known As: Salvation Army PC Phone: (850) 769-7989 Fax: (850) 769-5346 Hotline: (850) 763-0706 TDD: (800) 252-2597 Website: http://www.salvationarmypanamacity.org MORE INFO
| CharlotteCenter for Abuse and Rape Emergencies
Also Known As: C.A.R.E. Phone: (941) 639-5499 Fax: (941) 639-7079 Hotline: (941) 627-6000 TDD: (941) 627-6000 Website: http://www.carefl.org MORE INFO
CitrusCitrus County Abuse Shelter Association
Also Known As: CASA Phone: (352) 344-8112 Fax: (352) 344-0548 Hotline: (352) 344-8111 TDD: (352) 344-8111 Website: http://www.casafl.org MORE INFO
| ClayQuigley House
Phone: (904) 284-0340 Fax: (904) 284-5407 Hotline: (904) 284-0061 TDD: (904) 284-0424 Website: http://www.quigleyhouse.org MORE INFO
| CollierThe Shelter for Abused Women & Children
Also Known As: The Shelter Phone: (239) 775-3862 Fax: (239) 775-3061 Hotline: (239) 775-1101 TDD: (239) 775-4265 Website: http://www.naplesshelter.org MORE INFO
ColumbiaAnother Way
Phone: (386) 719-2700 Fax: (386) 719-2758 Hotline: 866-875-7983 TDD: 866-875-7983 Website: http://www.anotherwayinc.net MORE INFO
| DeSotoSafe Place and Rape Crisis Center
Also Known As: SPARCC Phone: (941) 365-0208 Fax: (941) 365-4919 Hotline: (941) 365-1976 TDD: (941) 365-1976 Website: http://www.sparcc.net MORE INFO
| DixieAnother Way
Phone: (386) 719-2700 Fax: (386) 719-2758 Hotline: 866-875-7983 TDD: 866-875-7983 Website: http://www.anotherwayinc.net MORE INFO
DuvalHubbard House
Also Known As: Hubbard House Phone: (904) 354-0076 Fax: (904) 354-1342 Hotline: (904) 354-3114 TDD: (904) 354-3958 Website: http://www.hubbardhouse.org MORE INFO
| EscambiaFavorHouse of Northwest Florida
Also Known As: FavorHouse Phone: (850) 434-1177 Fax: (850) 434-9987 Hotline: (850) 434-6600 TDD: (850) 434-6600 Website: http://www.favorhouse.org MORE INFO
| FlaglerFamily Life Center
Also Known As: FLC Phone: (386) 437-7747 Fax: (386) 437-4938 Hotline: (386) 437-3505 TDD: (386) 437-3505 Website: http://www.familylifecenterflagler.org MORE INFO
FranklinRefuge House
Phone: (850) 922-6062 Fax: (850) 413-0395 Hotline: (850) 681-2111 TDD: (850) 386-6036 Website: http://www.refugehouse.com MORE INFO
| GadsdenRefuge House
Phone: (850) 922-6062 Fax: (850) 413-0395 Hotline: (850) 681-2111 TDD: (850) 386-6036 Website: http://www.refugehouse.com MORE INFO
| GilchristAnother Way
Phone: (386) 719-2700 Fax: (386) 719-2758 Hotline: 866-875-7983 TDD: 866-875-7983 Website: http://www.anotherwayinc.net MORE INFO
GladesAbuse Counseling and Treatment
Also Known As: ACT Phone: (239) 939-2553 Fax: (239) 939-4741 Hotline: (239) 939-3112 TDD: (239) 939-3112 Website: http://www.actabuse.com MORE INFO
| GulfThe Salvation Army of Panama City Domestic Violence and Rape Crisis Program
Also Known As: Salvation Army PC Phone: (850) 769-7989 Fax: (850) 769-5346 Hotline: (850) 763-0706 TDD: (800) 252-2597 Website: http://www.salvationarmypanamacity.org MORE INFO
| HamiltonAnother Way
Phone: (386) 719-2700 Fax: (386) 719-2758 Hotline: 866-875-7983 TDD: 866-875-7983 Website: http://www.anotherwayinc.net MORE INFO
HardeePeace River Center Domestic Violence Shelter
Also Known As: Peace River Phone: (863) 413-2708 Fax: (863) 413-3079 Hotline: (863) 413-2700 TDD: (863) 413-2700 Website: http://www.peacerivercenter.org MORE INFO
| HendryAbuse Counseling and Treatment
Also Known As: ACT Phone: (239) 939-2553 Fax: (239) 939-4741 Hotline: (239) 939-3112 TDD: (239) 939-3112 Website: http://www.actabuse.com MORE INFO
| HernandoDawn Center of Hernando County
Also Known As: Dawn Center Phone: (352) 684-7191 Fax: (352) 684-7941 Hotline: (352) 686-8430 TDD: (352) 686-8430 Website: http://www.thedawncenter.com MORE INFO
HighlandsPeace River Center Domestic Violence Shelter
Also Known As: Peace River Phone: (863) 413-2708 Fax: (863) 413-3079 Hotline: (863) 413-2700 TDD: (863) 413-2700 Website: http://www.peacerivercenter.org MORE INFO
| HillsboroughThe Spring of Tampa Bay
Also Known As: The Spring Phone: (813) 247-5433 Fax: (813) 247-2930 Hotline: (813) 247-7233 TDD: (813) 248-1050 Website: http://www.thespring.org MORE INFO
| HolmesThe Salvation Army of Panama City Domestic Violence and Rape Crisis Program
Also Known As: Salvation Army PC Phone: (850) 769-7989 Fax: (850) 769-5346 Hotline: (850) 763-0706 TDD: (800) 252-2597 Website: http://www.salvationarmypanamacity.org MORE INFO
Indian RiverSafeSpace Domestic Violence Svcs. Inc.
Phone: (772) 223-2399 Fax: (772) 223-5842 Hotline: (772) 288-7023 TDD: (772) 288-7023 Website: http://www.safespacefl.org MORE INFO
| JacksonThe Salvation Army of Panama City Domestic Violence and Rape Crisis Program
Also Known As: Salvation Army PC Phone: (850) 769-7989 Fax: (850) 769-5346 Hotline: (850) 763-0706 TDD: (800) 252-2597 Website: http://www.salvationarmypanamacity.org MORE INFO
| JeffersonRefuge House
Phone: (850) 922-6062 Fax: (850) 413-0395 Hotline: (850) 681-2111 TDD: (850) 386-6036 Website: http://www.refugehouse.com MORE INFO
LafayetteAnother Way
Phone: (386) 719-2700 Fax: (386) 719-2758 Hotline: 866-875-7983 TDD: 866-875-7983 Website: http://www.anotherwayinc.net MORE INFO
| LakeHaven of Lake and Sumter Counties
Also Known As: Haven Phone: (352) 315-0591 Fax: (352) 315-0462 Hotline: (352) 753-5800 TDD: (352) 753-5800 Website: http://www.havenlakesumter.org MORE INFO
| LeeAbuse Counseling and Treatment
Also Known As: ACT Phone: (239) 939-2553 Fax: (239) 939-4741 Hotline: (239) 939-3112 TDD: (239) 939-3112 Website: http://www.actabuse.com MORE INFO
LeonRefuge House
Phone: (850) 922-6062 Fax: (850) 413-0395 Hotline: (850) 681-2111 TDD: (850) 386-6036 Website: http://www.refugehouse.com MORE INFO
| LevyAnother Way
Phone: (386) 719-2700 Fax: (386) 719-2758 Hotline: 866-875-7983 TDD: 866-875-7983 Website: http://www.anotherwayinc.net MORE INFO
| LibertyRefuge House
Phone: (850) 922-6062 Fax: (850) 413-0395 Hotline: (850) 681-2111 TDD: (850) 386-6036 Website: http://www.refugehouse.com MORE INFO
MadisonRefuge House
Phone: (850) 922-6062 Fax: (850) 413-0395 Hotline: (850) 681-2111 TDD: (850) 386-6036 Website: http://www.refugehouse.com MORE INFO
| ManateeHOPE Family Services
Phone: (941) 747-8499 Fax: (941) 749-1796 Hotline: (941) 755-6805 TDD: (941) 755-6805 Website: http://www.hopefamilyservice.org MORE INFO
| MarionOcala Domestic Violence/Sexual Assault Center
Also Known As: Creative Services, Inc. Phone: (352) 351-4009 Fax: (352) 351-9455 Hotline: (352) 622-8495 TDD: (352) 622-8495 Website: http://www.ocaladvshelter.org MORE INFO
MartinSafeSpace Domestic Violence Svcs. Inc.
Phone: (772) 223-2399 Fax: (772) 223-5842 Hotline: (772) 288-7023 TDD: (772) 288-7023 Website: http://www.safespacefl.org MORE INFO
| Miami-DadeMiami-Dade Advocates for Victims
Also Known As: Safespace North and South Phone: (305) 285-5904 Fax: (305) 250-9161 Hotline: (305) 758-2546 TDD: (305) 751-3752 Website: http://www.safespacefoundation.org MORE INFO
| Miami-DadeVictim Response, Inc.
Also Known As: The Lodge Phone: (305) 667-2456 Fax: (305) 693-2831 Hotline: (305) 693-0232 TDD: (305) 693-0772 Website: http://www.thelodgemiami.org MORE INFO
MonroeDomestic Abuse Shelter
Also Known As: DAS Phone: (305) 743-5452 Fax: (305) 289-1589 Hotline: (305) 743-4440 TDD: (305) 743-8333 Website: http://www.domesticabuseshelter.org MORE INFO
| NassauMicah’s Place
Phone: (904) 491-6364 Fax: (904) 491-6362 Hotline: (904) 225-9979 TDD: (904) 225-9979 Website: http://www.micahsplace.org MORE INFO
| OkaloosaShelter House
Phone: (850) 243-1201 Fax: (850) 243-6756 Hotline: (800) 44-Abuse (442-2873) TDD: (850) 863-4777 Website: http://www.shelterhousenwfl.org MORE INFO
OkeechobeeMartha’s House
Phone: (863) 763-2893 Fax: (863) 763-6712 Hotline: (863) 763-0202 TDD: (863) 763-0202 Website: http://www.marthashouse.org MORE INFO
| OrangeHarbor House of Central Florida
Also Known As: Harbor House Phone: (407) 886-2244 Fax: (407) 886-0006 Hotline: (407) 886-2856 TDD: (407) 886-2856 Website: http://www.harborhousefl.com MORE INFO
| OsceolaHelp Now of Osceola
Also Known As: Help Now Phone: (407) 847-3260 Fax: (407) 847-8121 Hotline: (407) 847-8562 TDD: (407) 846-2472 Website: https://ww.helpnowshelter.org MORE INFO
Palm BeachAid to Victims of Domestic Abuse
Also Known As: AVDA Phone: (561) 265-3797 Fax: (561) 265-2102 Hotline: (800) 355-8547 TDD: (800) 355-8547 Website: http://www.avdaonline.org MORE INFO
| Palm BeachYWCA of Palm Beach County
Also Known As: Harmony House Phone: (561) 640-0050 Fax: (561) 640-9155 Hotline: (561) 640-9844 TDD: (561) 965-8530 Website: http://www.ywcapbc.org MORE INFO
| PascoThe Salvation Army Domestic Violence Program of West Pasco
Phone: (727) 856-6498 Fax: (727) 857-1907 Hotline: (727) 856-5797 TDD: (727) 364-6132 Website: http://www.salvationarmywestpasco.org MORE INFO
PascoSunrise Domestic and Sexual Violence Center
Also Known As: Sunrise of Pasco Phone: (352) 521-3358 Fax: (352) 521-3099 Hotline: (352) 521-3120 Website: http://www.sunrisepasco.org MORE INFO
| PinellasThe Haven of RCS
Also Known As: RCS Pinellas Phone: (727) 584-3528 Fax: (727) 461-4702 Hotline: (727) 442-4128 TDD: (727) 223-4946 Website: http://www.rcspinellas.org MORE INFO
| PinellasCommunity Action Stops Abuse
Also Known As: CASA Phone: (727) 895-4912 (Ext. 100) Fax: (727) 821-7101 Hotline: (727) 895-4912 (Ext. 1) TDD: (727) 828-1269 Website: http://www.casa-stpete.org MORE INFO
PolkPeace River Center Domestic Violence Shelter
Also Known As: Peace River Phone: (863) 413-2708 Fax: (863) 413-3079 Hotline: (863) 413-2700 TDD: (863) 413-2700 Website: http://www.peacerivercenter.org MORE INFO
| PutnamLee Conlee House
Phone: (386) 325-4447 Fax: (386) 328-7755 Hotline: (386) 325-3141 TDD: (386) 325-3141 Website: http://www.leeconleehouse.org MORE INFO
| Santa RosaFavorHouse of Northwest Florida
Also Known As: FavorHouse Phone: (850) 434-1177 Fax: (850) 434-9987 Hotline: (850) 434-6600 TDD: (850) 434-6600 Website: http://www.favorhouse.org MORE INFO
SarasotaSafe Place and Rape Crisis Center
Also Known As: SPARCC Phone: (941) 365-0208 Fax: (941) 365-4919 Hotline: (941) 365-1976 TDD: (941) 365-1976 Website: http://www.sparcc.net MORE INFO
| SeminoleSafeHouse
Also Known As: SafeHouse of Seminole Phone: (407) 302-5220 Fax: (407) 302-1080 Hotline: (855) 655-7233 TDD: (855) 655-7233 Website: http://www.safehousefl.com MORE INFO
| St. JohnsSafety Shelter of Saint Johns County
Also Known As: Betty Griffin House Phone: (904) 808-8544 Fax: (904) 808-8338 Hotline: (904) 824-1555 TDD: (904) 824-1555 Website: http://www.bettygriffinhouse.org MORE INFO
St. LucieSafeSpace Domestic Violence Svcs. Inc.
Phone: (772) 223-2399 Fax: (772) 223-5842 Hotline: (772) 288-7023 TDD: (772) 288-7023 Website: http://www.safespacefl.org MORE INFO
| SumterHaven of Lake and Sumter Counties
Also Known As: Haven Phone: (352) 787-5889 Fax: (352) 787-4125 Hotline: (352) 753-5800 TDD: (352) 753-5800 Website: http://www.havenlakesumter.org MORE INFO
| SuwanneeVivid Visions
Phone: (386) 364-5957 Fax: (386) 364-1732 Hotline: (386) 364-2100 TDD: (386) 364-2100 Website: http://www.vividvisionsinc.org MORE INFO
TaylorRefSuge House
Phone: (850) 922-6062 Fax: (850) 413-0395 Hotline: (850) 681-2111 TDD: (850) 386-6036 Website: http://www.refugehouse.com MORE INFO
| UnionPeaceful Paths Domestic Abuse Network
Also Known As: Peaceful Paths Phone: (352) 377-5690 Fax: (352) 378-9033 Hotline: (352) 377-8255 TDD: (352) 377-8255 Website: http://www.peacefulpaths.org MORE INFO
| VolusiaBeacon Center
Also Known As: Domestic Abuse Council Phone: (386) 257-2297 Fax: (386) 248-1985 Hotline: (386) 255-2102 TDD: (386) 255-2102 Website: http://www.mybeaconcenter.com MORE INFO
WakullaRefuge House
Phone: (850) 922-6062 Fax: (850) 413-0395 Hotline: (850) 681-2111 TDD: (850) 386-6036 Website: http://www.refugehouse.com MORE INFO
| WaltonSheSlter House
Phone: (850) 243-1201 Fax: (850) 243-6756 Hotline: (800) 44-Abuse (442-2873) TDD: (850) 863-4777 Website: http://www.shelterhousenwfl.org MORE INFO
| WashingtonThe Salvation Army of Panama City Domestic Violence and Rape Crisis Program
Also Known As: Salvation Army PC Phone: (850) 769-7989 Fax: (850) 769-5346 Hotline: (850) 763-0706 TDD: (800) 252-2597 Website: http://www.salvationarmypanamacity.org MORE INFO