Your Abuser May Monitor Your Internet Use and May Be Able To View Your Computer Activity. If you have reason to believe that your computer is not secure, you may wish to use a computer in another location to which your abuser does not have access.
Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-800-500-1119
TTY Hotline: 1-800-621-4202
To find a local DV Center visit: http://www.fcadv.org/centers/local-centers
Program Mission
Ensure the safety of victims of domestic violence by developing partnerships with community organizations to create a seamless system of services.
Program Overview
The Department’s Domestic Violence Program operates as the central clearinghouse for state and federal funding initiatives for the prevention and intervention of domestic violence. Among the Program’s primary responsibilities are the administration and oversight of federal and state funding designated to assist Florida’s certified domestic violence centers, the leading providers of domestic violence services. The Domestic Violence Program works closely with the Florida Coalition Against Domestic Violence to certify, monitor, and fund the centers as authorized in Chapter 39.903 F.S.
The Domestic Violence Program also works with the coalition to promote a coordinated, multidisciplinary approach to enhancing advocacy and improving the criminal justice system’s response to domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking crimes. Various partners in this effort include: the Office of State Courts Administrator, Office of the Attorney General, Florida Prosecuting Attorneys Association and local State Attorney’s offices, Florida Council Against Sexual Violence, local law enforcement agencies, and numerous community-based victim and legal service agencies. Additionally, the Domestic Violence Program provides technical support through the development of policy and practice to support victims.
Domestic Violence Services
Florida’s 42 certified domestic violence centers provide crisis intervention and support services to adult victims of domestic violence and their children free of charge, 24 hours a day, 7-days a week. Services include emergency shelter, 24-hour crisis and information hotline, safety planning, counseling, case management, child assessments, information and referrals, education for community awareness, and training for law enforcement and other professionals. Many centers also provide legal and court advocacy, transportation, relocation assistance, life skills training, transitional housing, daycare, outreach services, rape crisis intervention, and prevention programs in local schools.
Domestic Violence Funding
Working in partnership with the coalition, the Domestic Violence Program coordinates and administers statewide funding and activities to address domestic violence crimes. Find out more about Florida’s $39 million budget for domestic violence prevention and services.