What are the outstanding characteristics of a leader

The characteristics of a leader They are not determined only by being a person who obviously has leadership and applies it to others.

9 Characteristics of a leader

The characteristics of a leader They are a set of qualities that indicate that a person can carry out productive leadership such as:

1.The leader has a wide capacity to know how to communicate clearly and convey his ideas. That communication enables you to instruct your peers and also makes it possible for you to be understood and listened to with attention.

But this communication is not only about speaking so that it is heard and understood, but also that the leader knows how to listen and attend to the group he leads.

  1. He knows how to handle emotional intelligence, that is, he has the ability to manage his feelings and emotions, both his own and those of his group, because a person who does not manage his emotional intelligence does not have leadership capacity.
  2. A leader knows how to plan. Once the goal is established, the leader defines a plan to achieve it, that is, he establishes the action plan from the beginning, indicating the best time to start, how to start, chooses the people who will make up the work team and the material resources that will be needed to carry it out.
  3. All people have strengths and weaknesses, because a leader also has them and knows how to recognize them to the point of using those strengths intelligently and tries to resolve their weaknesses to transform them into strengths.
  4. A leading person is constantly growing, but not only cares about himself but is interested in the growth of his entire work team.
  5. In order to grow, he not only carries out his current tasks with excellence, but also seeks growth by helping his team, avoiding covering all functions, since he knows how to delegate and then opens opportunities to everyone.
  6. A leader is charismatic, with charisma, he knows how to attract attention and behaves in a pleasant way, taking an interest in his work team.
  7. Given the changes that are presented in the world in a resounding way, the leader innovates, looks for novelties to implement in his work and transmits them to be applied, not as his great idea but as the idea forged within his group.
  8. The leader knows that he has responsibility and that responsibility will give him power, because he is fulfilling his leadership, but although he has become a powerful person, he uses that power to benefit his entire team.

Then what are the characteristics of a leader? Ultimately, the leader is a person different from all the others because he acts in a different way, has attitudes that distinguish him and handles himself with skills that allow him to function in a work or social environment in a way that is appreciated and distinguished.

It is also characterized by acting with clarity and determination, in such a way that it influences the attitudes of others.

The leader knows where he is going because he knows what he wants, as they are two fundamental concepts to achieve the objective.

It is characterized by not being afraid of mistakes, it grows by doing and like all people, obstacles are presented to it, which with skill it will know how to overcome, and if it is wrong? He does not complain, he is not complaining, he learns from that mistake and transforms it into learning,

Characteristics of a positive leader

The positive leader is a person with the ability to identify the qualities of his entire work group, takes care of his group, encourages it and does everything possible so that the qualities of those people who accompany him can be highlighted and then he takes care of growth of his work group being charismatic but demanding.

Characteristics of a natural leader

The natural leader is characterized by his natural gifts. His security and firmness is not acquired but innate and he knows how to transmit these values ​​to others. He is the one who leads by satisfying the needs of others.

Characteristics of a good leader

  1. A good leader is characterized by maintaining enthusiasm for his work, dedicating himself with passion to his work and in this way he makes his group run in the same way as he does.

2. He knows that he is a leader, but his team should consider him as one of the work team, because although he assumes other responsibilities, he does not seek to feel above others but rather feels good on the same level as others.

In fact, he can carry out any type of work without caring that it is of less relevance, in this way he integrates those he directs with the objective that the work is carried out with excellence.

  1. The leader can carry out his own work and also cooperate with those of his group, but he also has the ability to delegate work, because for this he trained his group so that everyone can work cooperatively without having to burden a single member of the group with work. work team.
  2. Delegating work you will run into problems because it was not your habit and therefore you have no experience in delegating tasks. But nevertheless, as the leader always applies his intelligence and can control his emotional intelligence, he will know to whom he delegates functions.
  3. Also, delegating does not mean forgetting about a job because someone else is doing it. Its function is to control that this task is carried out properly and therefore if there is a problem, it will be able to intervene by applying its knowledge and in this way it will help whoever delegated that task.
  4. By occupying a leadership position, the person takes over tasks of greater responsibility, which means risks, since the leader makes decisions about a project, which will determine its failure or success. They are two options that will always be present and will be your responsibility.

For this reason, the leader must have the ability to assume those unavoidable risks in any decision and despite the results, he must continue to accept his mistakes.

The Leadership Trait – 7 Important Traits

Studying the characteristic of leadership is helpful because we tend to break things down into characteristics to make big concepts easier to handle. There are common traits that define leadership, and finding them requires only a study of those who have succeeded. By actively developing these traits, you can become a stronger leader.

Here are some of the most common leadership traits:


Creating a legitimate relationship with your staff makes it less likely that personal issues and resentment can creep in and derail the group. When your team knows that you empathize with their concerns, they are more likely to work with you and share your vision, rather than foster negative feelings.


Being a consistent leader will earn you respect and credibility, which is essential to gain acceptance from the group. By setting an example of fairness and credibility, the team will want to act in the same way.


Another characteristic of leadership that lends itself to credibility. Those who are honest, especially when it comes to concerns, make obstacles much more likely to be addressed rather than avoided. Honesty also allows for better evaluation and growth.


Having the vision to step outside the norm and aspire to great things – then the means to establish the necessary steps to get there – is an essential characteristic of good leadership. By seeing what it can be like and managing goals on how to get there, a good leader can create impressive change.


Effective communication helps keep the team working on the right projects with the right attitude. If you communicate effectively about your expectations, problems, and advice, your staff will be more likely to react and achieve your goals.


Not all problems require the same solution. By being flexible to new ideas and having a sufficiently open mind to consider them, you increase the likelihood of finding the best possible answer. You will set a good example for your team and reward good ideas.


One of the most important characteristics of leadership is a strong vision and the will to achieve it. The leader who believes in the mission and works toward it will be an inspiration and a resource to his followers.
Of course, there are several other theories about leadership and leadership styles in which different skills come into play.

But no matter what your focus is, if you display the above traits you will be well equipped to lead a team successfully.


Infographic: 10 Characteristics of New Leadership