Most profitable franchises to buy

If you want to work on your own, surely you are interested in knowing the profitable franchises, since it is a lucrative way to earn money with your own business with a branch of an established and profitable company, but for this you need to know …

What are the profitable franchises in the US

Although in the US, the profitable franchises are the largest companies such as KCF and McDonals, there are others that may interest you and that are also dedicated to food, such as;

Jimmyjohn’s gourmet sandwiches: This is a franchise with more than 30 years in the market and with thousands of stores throughout America that sell quick sandwiches and continues to grow.

Subway: Subway is another franchise that you can consider, since it is a commercial brand established within the market with 50 years old and with branches in more than 100 countries distributed throughout the world.

FastSings: It is the most recognized brand within the industry. It offers you as a franchisee four weeks of entertainment, one week at Fastsings central, two weeks at the Dallas headquarters, support and guidance, access to business consultants, 24-hour web-based learning management and sales support.

Tropical Smothie: Tropical Smoothie is an interesting franchise option that ranks among the top of its category thanks to its focus on healthier foods with desserts, appetizers, dinners, lunches, breakfasts and catering. It is also the first restaurant to offer Beyond Meat as a meatless option.

Although not required, you may qualify if you have restaurant experience, liquid assets of $ 125,000, a minimum net worth of $ 350,000, and an investment capacity of $ 198,000 to $ 478,000.

But you will also have to pay development costs such as an initial cost of $ 322,000 variable depending on the space and other factors, 6% commission for copyright as fees and between 2 and 3% for national marketing commission.

Marcos’s Pizza Franchise: Marco’s Pizza Franchise is in the top five pizza franchises and is the only pizza chain started by an Italian.

It has more than 100 stores since 2015 and more than 1000 that are under development. On the other hand, it is the fastest growing pizza brand.

To qualify you need a net worth of $ 100,000, a net worth of $ 300,000 and a total investment of between $ 150 and $ 546,000.

Mathnasium: With more than 750 stores and an average of two opening each week, Mathnasium is growing rapidly around the world.

You can be a franchisee regardless of your experience, since many of them are teachers, homemaker engineers and with other professions, since you receive education on everything you need to run a business that deals with instruction in mathematics.

Once franchised, you get access to more than 50 hours of online training. You will spend a week in Los Angeles at the Mathnasium corporate headquarters where you will learn financial planning for your franchise and take education courses on the Marhnasium method.

Throughout the franchise you will receive support from Field Business Consultants and regional annual training conventions so you can grow and maintain your business.

To qualify, you need a net worth of $ 102,750, a net worth of $ 143,610, for a total investment of between $ 102 and $ 143,000, and a franchise fee of $ 31,000.

Christian Brothers Automotive: Christian Brothers Automotive offers franchises as a Christian business to provide the experience of loving others. It currently has more than 125 locations that operate successfully in 17 states with a vision of growth to reach 200 strategically located locations by the end of 2017.

To qualify you need a net worth of $ 80,000, a net worth of $ 200,000 for a total investment of between $ 403 and $ 474,000.

Kiddie academy: By owning a Kiddie Academy child care learning center franchise, you gain many benefits such as running a supported business model with flexible hours Monday through Friday.

In addition to considering the need for dual-income families seeking high-quality child care, you will have the option of owning or leasing real estate, which as a Kiddie Academy franchise owner would allow you to achieve your financial and personal goals.

You may qualify if you have a net worth of $ 200,000, a net worth of $ 550,000, for a total investment of $ 869,000.

Tips to buy profitable franchises

Most of the profitable franchises They seduce you with great ideas of success, but for this you need to prepare yourself so that you can really achieve the success that you expect and that they promise you.

Research: Research on franchises is the first thing you should do, in order to understand what each one of them is about and you will know the capital you need for the initial investment, fees and commissions, since in this way you will know if you qualify to be a franchisee.

Review your financial situation: To open a franchise you must bear in mind that there are many costs that extend far beyond the initial fee that you will pay in the corporate office.

So before you start, determine your net worth, decide if you need financing and where you will get it, talk with the franchise owners to find out the costs and calculate the additional costs that may be incurred in the total investment.

Think about the location: Most franchisees have problems during the first years because they did not know how to choose a location for their business, since having a visible store is the best way to market a franchise, especially when it comes to food service.

For this reason, since these places will have a high cost, you should think about how much you can spend and investigate to find the best location according to your budget.

Separate personal finances: Separate personal finances from business finances so that you do not compromise personal finances in the face of any problem that may arise in the business.

To do this, contact a lawyer to receive advice on the structure of your business and choose the best option before buying the franchise.