Mobile marketing strategies to attract more customers

The mobile technology boom It opens up a new sales channel that we can take advantage of to sell what we want and in the quantities that suit us best. The statistics are clear today, there are already too many people who have at least one mobile phone, a Smartphone or a Tablet, so as entrepreneurs we must get more involved in this technology to earn more money.Mobile marketing strategies to attract more customers

It is said that almost half of Facebook users access this platform through their smart devices, which means that these types of users are active and that our advertising and mobile marketing campaigns will pay off. So here we present some strategies that will help you for this cause:

Send SMS messages. Texting is still a widely used tool for promoting products, services, songs, and even advice. These types of ads are valued by people as they are personalized and you could start by hiring a service like this with which you will get a short number and a keyword with which others will search for you. For example, Send Business to 5020. Once you see the number of people subscribed, you will have to send them more SMS in order to get more sales.

MMS multimedia messages. The procedure is the same as that used for text messages but obviously it offers more entertaining and much more striking things than a simple text such as images, videos and even longer texts. You just have to find an MMS provider so you can send what you prefer.

Mobile E-mail. In the case of mobile e-mail, it is advisable to encourage our subscribers to take action since they have their mobile device in their hands. These could be calls or the download of a discount coupon.

Mobile searches. In the mobile world, users usually look for businesses that are close to them, so in these cases it is advisable to integrate maps to geolocate our business, in addition we must also ask our followers or potential clients to check-in in our business so that friends or followers of these can notice our presence and that way they are encouraged to carry out their own check-in.

Mobile Internet. Something that must always be present in the minds of mobile entrepreneurs is that their respective web pages must be optimized to be visible on any mobile device. Another promotional alternative is the QR codes that we can also place on our website or in the physical premises of our company as a print.

Mobile apps. As we mentioned before, apart from our website, we can also promote our various mobile applications in the different app stores that exist such as Google Play or the Apple App Store, in them we also open another way to earn money by placing advertisement. All these obviously can be inserted in our blog to be downloaded from there.

Mobile content. Mobile content is essential since users of this type of technology also like to read but in an interactive and entertaining way. Therefore, you could work with many images and videos. In the same way we can resort to downloads through QR codes that activate said content, all this as long as our page is correctly optimized for mobile phones.

Voice messages. As you may have already realized, when dealing with smartphones, for example, you could use the sending of voice messages to attract more customers or to answer certain common concerns among all your visitors by way of customer service. It is obvious that within the message you will take the opportunity to publicize your telephone number as well as the main promotions, discounts or news of your company.

Social media. You must be aware of platforms such as Foursquare, Instagram, Google Maps, among others, whose characteristics will allow you to be closer to people than ever, you can locate your business on a map, you can promote it through photographs where the experience is shown of customers in your business, in short, and just like these there are many platforms that you can find to create a presence in the mobile world that is so fashionable today.

The mobile sector is growing and with it the entrepreneurs who risk investing in an area that will bring even more profits. In addition, there are already many webmasters that are being part of this mobile trend and you could be the next.