You ask yourself how to know my homoclave like many other people who are taxpayers like you, whether they are corporations or individuals, and you need your password and you don’t know how to get it, what it is and it is even important that you know how it is built and how you can print it.
Well, you will know all this information below, so it is convenient for you to continue reading since it is important that you know everything about this key that identifies you as a taxpayer:
How to do the procedure and how to know my homoclave?
- In addition to having information about how to know my homoclaveYou also need to know how to do the procedure, since it corresponds to you as a taxpayer, whether you are a worker in the government or in a company, owner of a company or an independent worker.
- As a Mexican taxpayer you can process your RFC for free without having to file a return until you start an economic activity that accrues in the payment of taxes and you do not need to file a return with the government either.
- The sooner you complete the process for your RFC, the better for you if you are a young person who is looking for a job because you will present it in the companies where you apply.
- The procedure can be done online on the SAT website.
- You must complete the form with your CURP and the verification code and then click Continue.
- On the next screen you will be able to confirm or modify data and you will click on Continue.
- Then you will enter your data including zip code, state, municipality and neighborhood.
- You will confirm the data and indicate if you are independent, retired or salaried and send the form.
- Next, you will download the PDF file and print the acknowledgment issued, in which your registration in the RFC is certified with your tax identification card.
What is the homoclave?
- What is the homoclave?Taking into account the RFC, they are the last three characters, whether letters or numbers, they are always the last three.
- It offers unique information as a taxpayer that cannot be duplicated.
- The RFC is the Federal Taxpayer Registry, which contains confidential information that includes declarations, obligations and fiscal address registered by the legal or physical person according to the law in force.
What is the homoclave on the SAT?
- 1. What is the homoclave on the SAT?Taking into account the RFC, Federal Taxpayer Registry are the last three digits.
- The RFC is calculated by the SAT considering the full name, then a unique password is obtained for all Mexican citizens.
- Thanks to these last three characters, people can be differentiated with the ten digits that are the same in the password, such as the same date of birth or with the same name and surname.
How is the tax status certificate obtained?
How is the tax status certificate obtained? Well, to remove it, you should follow the following steps:
Step 1: First of all you must access
Once you log in, you can obtain proof of your tax situation or reprint the acknowledgments of notices that you made in the RFC.
Step 2: You can enter at any time with your e signature and password, then choose the button Execute online.
Step 3: Keep in mind that the reprint of the procedures that you carried out since April 2014 is allowed, but if you need the acknowledgments of an earlier date you cannot reprint it online, you must go to the SAT offices.
Step 4: The tax status certificate can be generated regardless of your registration date.
Step 5: When you print the tax status certificate, you get a document with your CIF, the location data, the tax identification data, your economic activity, your tax regime, your tax obligations and even the data of your legal representative if applicable.
How is the RFC built?
How is the RFC built?, The RFC is made up of letters and numbers.
1.The first two letters correspond to the paternal surname.
- The third letter corresponds to your name-
- The next two numbers correspond to your year of birth.
- The next two numbers correspond to the month of your birth.
- The next two numbers correspond to the day of your birth.
- And the last three characters are the homoclave.
Suppose your name is Mario López Morales and you were born on July 24, 1983, then your homoclave LOMMM830724831HO
LO: are the first two letters of your paternal last name.
M: is the first letter of your maternal surname.
M: is the first letter of your name.
83: is the year of your birth.
07: is the month of your birth.
24: It is the day of your birth.
1HO: is the homocclave.
How to print rfc with SAT homoclave?
Now you want to know how to print rfc with homoclave sat, the tax identification card issued by the SAT so that you have proof that as a taxpayer you registered with your RFC, which is your obligation and you must keep it in force, follow these steps:
Step 1: Enter the official website of the SAT and once you access, go to Procedures on the left side of the page and then a menu will have been displayed where you will choose RFC as an option.
Step 2: S will open a drop-down menu again in which you will choose the Services tab.
Step 3: Read the menu options and choose Tax identification card. Then you must complete the fields with your RFC and password and the SAT will be able to identify you.
Step 4: When the SAT identifies you, the Print and Download button will have been activated.
If you choose Print, a PDF file will be generated and if you choose Download, a jpg file will have been generated.
To print your RFC you must complete the corresponding fields with your first surname, your second surname, your name and then you will click on Print.
Step 5: Although you may have already been able to print your tax identification card, it is important to remember that you must print it on a black and white Bond letter-size paper, since formats of other color sizes are no longer allowed.