How to find who owns a phone number

How many times do they call you on the phone and ask yourself who owns this phone number and you don’t know how to find out, you don’t know that number and therefore you don’t know who is calling you.

You do not recognize that number as that of a family member or friend because you have their numbers registered, unless they have changed the phone number, but if it were in this way they would have notified you of the change.

Then the only possibility is that you think that it is a commercial call that you have no interest in attending and even if you do not answer the call, you are curious to know who it is that calls you insistently, right?

So now you are about to know how to find out who is calling you …

How to find out who owns this phone number

You want to know who owns this phone number after having received several insistent calls from a phone number that you do not know, how to find out ?:

Like many, the first thing that comes to mind is to open Google and do the search with that phone number, since as they are calling you, they will also be calling others who googled it and you will surely find the information you are looking for. Be patient and check each Google page one by one, I have done it and got good results, I finally managed to know where they were calling me from.

Who owns this number

  1. But if you still wonder who owns this number Because Google did not give you any results, there are other options such as using the white pages or yellow pages and you will be able to know who is calling you from that phone number.
  2. Since you cannot recognize that number, you do not know if they are calling you from a company or it is a private person who bothers you with calls, so you should look in the yellow pages.
  3. Then if you did not get any satisfactory results in the yellow pages, you should do the search in the white pages because it is the place that will tell you if that number belongs to an individual.

Who owns this fixed number

In case you need to know who owns this fixed number you have several options with online directories.

However, as the directories are updated because people change their data, it is difficult for you to know if that directory has been updated.

  1. Although white pages is a directory that you previously found on paper, it is now available to you online to find who a landline number belongs to and you will even find other information about that same person.

In fact, white pages was bought by yellow pages, therefore you will find to which company that phone number belongs, its full address, the zip code and more information that can be useful.

White pages has reliable information in its database, give it a try and it will surely be to your satisfaction.

  1. Another possibility you have is the directory of the QDQ guide, you will find which small or large company the phone number you want to discover belongs to.

SMEs, small businesses and other types of businesses register in the QDQ directory after completing a form, after which they register their phone number.

  1. Even though it is not your case because what you are looking for is the first and last name of a person or the name of a company, if you have this name, enter it in the white call section and you will know what the landline number is.

You will also find reliable information because it is a quality certified website, which means that companies register because of its reliability.

  1. Another possibility to find out who a phone number belongs to is in the ABC directory. You simply have to enter the fixed number of a person or a company and you will know who it belongs to.

ABC is a directory with an immense constantly growing database that stands out for its quality. You can even search by first and last name if you know it and it will return the phone number.

  1. If with the previous options you could not find who that phone number belongs to, with the rise of social networks you will surely succeed.

Start by searching on Facebook, as all users fill in their personal data. In your profile information you will find your landline and mobile phone number along with other personal information such as your date of birth and your full address.

Enter your own Facebook and in the search box enter the phone number and the portal, thanks to its algorithm, will do the search by throwing you the profile of that person.

Who owns this phone number 63030

It is also likely and common that you wonder who owns this phone number 63030, as it is a prefix used by many companies that make calls to their users.

  1. It is a prefix that is followed by more digits between 14 and 15. If you have been called and you wanted to return the call with certainty, you could not know who called you.
  2. On the other hand, it is a prefix that is used only in Spain and is used by companies when calling from the switchboard ISDN.
  3. Telefónica or Movistar are the operators that use the prefix 63030 and it can also be used by a health center, a hospital or a public service of Spain.
  4. Whether you can return the flat of a 63030 will depend on which is the switchboard configuration and they are not numbers that are registered on the internet or in the yellow pages, since the last numbers that are not registered are the extensions that indicate where they are calling you from.
  5. In fact, a service or company can use the prefix 63030 and at the same time use the telephone exchange serviceBecause a digital switchboard allows the company to use a high-speed telephone service without increasing its expenses, but the configuration is different according to each company.
  6. It is likely that when they call you, you are not interested and you prefer not to answer that call, but you should know that it is usually a call that is due to provide you with some information.

How to know whose mobile number is: To solve easy how to know whose mobile number is and not complicate yourself begins with:

  1. Start by doing a Google search.
  2. If you can’t find it on Google, you can search on Facebook and you will find it if the user forgot to configure their privacy and added their phone number.

How can you find out who owns a phone or a mobile phone number?