How to fill out a Wells Fargo check

If you need to know how to fill out a checkAlthough it is an easy and often everyday question, it can be difficult to do it correctly regardless of the bank, for example …

How to fill out a wells fargo personal check

In the case of Wells fargo, How to fill out a check?

Step 1: When writing a check, you should write with a good quality black or blue dark ink pen.

Step 2: Don’t worry about the name and address because they are information that is already printed on the check.

Step 3: If you pay to the order of … you must write the name of the beneficiary, be it that of a company or an individual receiving the money.

Step 4: Continue with the line of the amount and write the value in letters. It is likely that when writing you do not fill in all the space and since you should not leave a blank space you will complete it with a straight line until the end of the space.

Step 5: It is likely that the amount you need to pay is in cents, so for example if the value were 100.50, you will write it in letters: one hundred and 50/100 and if the value of the check has no cents and it was 100 you can write it: One hundred or one hundred and no / 100.

Step 6: The reference number is the one that helps you track payments you make with checks, recurring payments you make with your debit card and automatic payments. When you write a check, you must record the number, date, payee, and value in the check register and calculate your new balance.

Step 7: Write the value of the shock in numbers and if necessary with the pennies, but you will not write the pennies on the same line or write $ or another currency because it is printed on the form.

Continuing with the same example if the value is 100, you will receive 100.00 and if it is of a greater amount, for example 1,000, you must write it in this way 1000 or 1,000.

Step 8: In the place that says Memo, you will write the reason why you are writing the check, but it is optional, because where you see the bank numbers and the account numbers that are preprinted, you should not overwrite.

Step 9: RTN, it is a number that is pre-printed that you see in the lower left part of the check, it is an identifying routing number of the bank that issued the check and you will need it for direct deposit.

Step 10: The pre-printed account number is unique and you will also need it for direct deposit.

Step 11: Finally, you must complete the check with your signature as a sample of approval of the payment.

How to fill out a wells fargo check

How to fill out a chase bank check

To fill out a chase bank check, follow these steps:

Step 1: In the upper right corner you will see a space for you to write the date with day, month and year.

Step 2: In the section pay to order, fill in according to who you pay. If it is an individual, complete with their names and surnames and if the recipient is a complete company with the full name, but check with the company to tell you the exact name that you must enter.

Step 3: In the Money Box field, complete with the value of the check including the cents if applicable and if the value of the check does not have cents write “00”

Then you will write that same amount of money in letters with pennies if applicable. Keep in mind that the amount of money you entered in numbers must match the amount entered in letters, otherwise the check will not be valid.

Step 4: In the Meno or para section you can explain why you are writing the check.

Step 5: In the Signature field you must sign the check as a sample of approval for the payment, by filling in this field you affirm that the check is valid.

How to fill out a Bank of America check in English

In a few easy steps you can fill out a bank of america check in English:

Step 1: On the first line of the check you will write the date in this order: month, day, year.

Step 2: Below you will read “pay to the order of and a space for you to fill in with the name of the person to whom you pay or the company, then you will write the names and surnames of that person or the name of the company to whom you pay.

Step 3: Next to the name space you will see another line to complete it with the value of the check in numbers “$”

Step 4: Below you will find another space for you to fill in the same amount of the amount to be paid with the check in letters, which will end in “Dollars”, so for example if the amount to be paid were 220 dollars you will write: “two hundred and twenty and you will trace a line leading to the word “Dollars preprinted.

Step 5: For indicates that you can write if you want why you write this check.

Step 6: Next to the line where you wrote the reason why you are writing the check, you will find another field with a line on which you will sign and end without writing on the pre-printed numbers.

How to fill out a Bank of America check in English

How to fill out a Bancomer check

Filling a Bancomer check is much simpler and in a few steps you can fill it out so that your recipient can collect the payment:

Step 1: The first line of the check must be filled out with the date of the day you make the payment.

Step 2: On the next line you must write the name of the recipient, either a company or an individual.

Step 3: Followed by the recipient’s line, you will write the value of the check in numbers and if the value has cents, you will write them in this way “.50” or whatever cents.

Step 4: Below you will find another line that you will complete with the same value but in letters reaching the end of the space with a drawn line.

Step 5: Finally you will find another line to the right to sign the check.

Example of filling out a check

Regardless of the banking institution, an example of how to fill out a check it will always be useful to you:

  1. Every check begins with the current date, it is today’s date that you fill out your check.
  2. Also in all the checks you will read “To order of” so that you write the names and surnames of the person to whom you pay or the company, but if you are not sure about the name of the individual or the company, ask to write the name correctly.
  3. To the right is the space for you to write the value of the fence in numbers. Since you cannot leave blank spaces, it is convenient that you start writing it on the left margin.
  4. Then you should receive the value of the check in capital letters. It must be equal to the amount in numbers, otherwise the check will be voided.
  5. Finally, you must sign the check in the last line of the right margin. It must be the same signature that your bank has on file with your name.
  6. All checks have a space entitled To or Memo so that you can write a note about the reason why you are writing that check as an internal part of your control and record, although it is optional, you should complete it.
  7. After you have written the check, make a record on paper or with software so that you record each payment.

Example of filling out a check