Get More Traffic To Your Website With Google Sitemaps

Google has a hobby with increasing your visibility if you make frequent changes to your page. Otherwise, you may experience a continuous fall if you leave it for a long time.

Search engines have the idea that what is updated often is more relevant and deserves more visits.

Google detects the date of the last update of each page. You actually only have to change one character for Google to log activity, which will help you.

A good idea is to put a section of ‘novelties‘. There you always abbreviate the newest thing you have added with a link to that page.Google-sitemap

So Google detects constant changes in the cover and quickly picks up what new you have added. The more frequently you update, the more often Google bots will pass through your page.

If you don’t already know it, there is a thing called ‘Google Sitemaps’. With this you can send a map of your website to Google so that it can identify the structure of your page and also to know the update frequency of each page.
It is not necessary to put all the files on the map, it is worth including some URLs from each level to the depths of your website.

You can learn more about this at Google Sitemaps.

More updates = more traffic (especially for new pages) = more money from AdSense, advertising and sales.

Don’t be fooled by programs to create automatic content. That is not a good solution to keep your page active. There is no replacement for a job well done, but you can do things to simplify the process.