Doforten, an online marketplace for buying and selling freelance jobs

The telecommuting, or rather, the possibility of Work from home, is now a growing trend, but not only for the various people who try to make an effort to stay in a job that does not fully meet their expectations, but also for companies that have realized that more and more people prefer to undertake than to be tied to an office, so daunting at times.

Carrying out our tasks from home seems to increase our productivity, as long as there is control of the usual distractions from the Internet and other agents that may exist, such as the TV, annoying noises, the temptation to go to the fridge, etc. . There are even corporations that allow some of their employees to travel or be in their respective homes working using a laptop or the now-modern and inevitable mobile devices, that is, television commercials are a vivid reflection of what is happening. in real life.buying and selling freelance jobs

As you will see, everything is an indication of a huge opportunity that you have not lost, at least not for those who know how this business works. But so that you do not complicate your life today we bring you to Doforten, a portal where we can sell our freelance services to all those people or companies that need to buy small tasks at a good price.

It is certainly cheaper to be able to hire someone in this way than using a specialized platform, although this also depends on the level of professionalism that companies or freelancers need.

Belonging to this online market for virtual jobs is simple, with a simple registration it will be enough for you to publish your offer which will be seen by everyone thanks to the fact that you will have your own referral page which you will obviously have to promote on your own to generate more sales, perhaps on social media or through paid advertising.

This proposal is similar to Bitwork And all services are classified by price (ranging from 1 euro to 10 or more depending on what is offered), by date, by popularity, and by rating, that’s right, the better your product is, the better it will be evaluated and The more confidence you will generate to complete more orders, there is also the possibility that you can establish a client-buyer relationship to further strengthen said trust.

The novelty is that we have found services that perhaps cannot be obtained just like that on the web and this indicates that creativity has no limits, for example there are offers that try to congratulate various people (family or friends) on important occasions, even a tarot reading, the sending of original stuffed animals of famous video game characters, among others.

So if you have a PayPal account so you can claim your payments whose commissions cover 90% of each sale, then from now on you could be part of this trend yet to be exploited by entrepreneurs like you.

Link: Doforten